
Stacy King is an author of fiction and non-fiction who lives in Florida.

Her writing accomplishments include:

In addition to writing, she volunteered for the ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition TV show, the Karla Smith Foundation and the Balanced Mind Parent Network.

Stacy’s also passionate about mental health advocacy, especially regarding suicide prevention and the elimination of stigma. Therefore, she’s listed several credible mental health resources on this website, resources she’s either used or shared with others throughout the years and that she highly recommends.

Copyright and Disclaimer Notice
You are reading this author blog of your own free will. This blog is not intended to provide any services. It is a place where I share my books and where I write reflections about my life, and it includes resources that my family and I have found valuable and that I hope may prove beneficial to my readers as well.
Unless noted, I, Stacy A. King, am the legal copyright holder of the material on ©Stacy’s Flutterings, 2011. The material may not be used, reprinted or published without my written consent.  
I’m not providing medical, legal or other professional advice. My readers are reading and/or using any of the information they glean from Stacy’s Flutterings at their own risk.
Thank you for your understanding.